WC 27th March
Well done to all the children in Swallow class for a super last week! We had a very busy week in our class and all the children truly deserve the Easter break!
The children have been looking after their plants by providing the right conditions for them to grow. Those children who planted cress were able to bring them home to eat!
We had an exciting afternoon on Thursday, thank-you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who came to our 'Cake and Gardening' afternoon. We had lovely feedback from this afternoon and all the children had a brilliant time. The children took part in lots of fun activities, from planting seeds to making flowers out of recyclable materials.
In Maths we have been focusing on position and direction, the children gave instructions to each other using their knowledge of left, right, forwards and backwards. Some of the children were then able to use directions such as 'quarter turn left' and 'half turn right'. Well done!
The children have been learning all about forgiveness and making the right choices in RE. They acted out different scenes on making the right choice together in partners.
Enjoy your Easter break! See you back in school on Tuesday 18th April.
Miss Staziker