WC 3rd July
This week the children had an exciting trip to the Life Education Bus where we met Harold the giraffe. We got to take part in lots of activities and learnt all about how to keep our bodies fit and healthy. In our topic work the children drew around each other to create an outline of their bodies and they then labelled with the different body parts, good teamwork was demonstrated during this task! In English the children ordered the story of 'No-bot the Robot with No Bottom' and we created story maps to help us remember the structure of the story. Next week we will be beginning to write our own versions of the story.
We have focused on finding the difference to help us solve subtraction problems, the children have worked really hard.
WC 26th June
This week the children have been busy creating their own robots using recyclable materials, we have put them on display on the classroom...they're super!
The children became musicians and played instruments to the beat of 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams.
We have been focusing on tricky words and the children have been able to write sentences including these. We are going to be focusing on these over the next couple of weeks and how to apply them in our writing.
WC 19th June
What a fun week we have had in school. The children have worked really hard all week and we all enjoyed our trip to Smithills on Friday, have a look at our pictures on the Smithills trip page!
The children investigated how good their sense are, they investigated feel, smell and hear. In Maths the children have been working on their multiplication and division skills. We worked on our robot skills and walked and talked like robots, we took photographs of each other using the iPads.
WC 12th June
What a brilliant week in school, the children have worked so hard. We have started our new topic 'Robots' and the children had to work out what each of the different objects might have been for. The children have made some good predictions about what the story might be about and they thought about a time that they had lost something. I think we are going to have fun reading 'No-bot the Robot with no bottom!'
In Maths the children have been recapping time, we have looked at o'clock, half past and quarter past.
The children have worked so hard in Phonics and they all tried so hard during the Phonic Screening Test, I am so proud of them all. Well done Swallows!
WC 22nd May
What a super week we have had in school! We have looked at 2D and 3D shapes in maths and the children had to guess each others shape. In English we have looked at information booklets and we have started to create our own 'Great Outdoors' booklet.
On Thursday we had our 'Great Outdoors' afternoon, we played lots of games outside in the sunshine and we all had an ice-lolly. Yum!
WC 15th May
Another super week in Swallow class! We have had some fantastic stories, brilliant phonics and super reading this week.
The children have worked really hard and have each wrote their own version of 'Goat and Donkey in The Great Outdoors', they were fantastic!
We have been looking at length in Maths, we have organised objects from shortest to longest and done some brilliant estimating and measuring using rulers. On Thursday we focused on height and we created a class chart.
The children looked at waterproof materials and investigated which materials are waterproof by pouring water on them. We have begun looking at addresses and locating different places.
Well done children.
WC 8th May
We have had a busy, fun week in school! In Maths we have looked at capacity and volume and we have been estimating the size of puddles for different amounts and containers. The children have started to think about what they want to change in Goat and Donkey in The Great Outdoors for their own versions and they drew their own story maps.
We have been investigating materials in Science this week and we have learnt all about what the word 'waterproof' means. The children had to make a cardboard box waterproof by using different materials, well done to Emily's group who managed to keep the cardboard box dry!
WC 24th April
This week the children have been learning all about the inverse in Maths and they have been solving missing number puzzles. I can't believe how well all of the children have worked, Maths superstars!
In English we began reading our class book for this half term 'Goat and Donkey in the Great Outdoors' and the children described the characters and setting. On Friday they predicted the ending... I wonder if any of them are right when we read the last few pages on Tuesday!
We have been continuing our work on materials and the children have been comparing using new vocabulary such as 'rough' 'bendy' 'smooth'. We discussed which house for the three little pigs would be the best and why.
Well done children, another brilliant week!
WC 17th April
What a busy first week back at school. We hope that you had a brilliant Easter.
This week we have started our new topic 'The Great Outdoors' and I have sent home the Summer booklet, letting you know everything that is going on this term.
The children have worked really hard in English, we have watched videos all about camping and they thought about how they would feel if they went camping.
In Maths, at the beginning of the week, we have been learning how to spell numbers to 20. Then on Friday we learnt all about how to do tally charts and representing data.
We have been learning all about materials in our topic work, the children felt and guessed what they thought each of the materials were underneath the covers.
Well done children, a super week!
WC 20th March
This week the children have worked so hard showing off what they know in each subject!
They have been keeping a close eye on their plants, some of them are getting big! They have remembered to keep watering them and putting them out in the sun. Aaron got 'Star Grower' on Thursday for his runner beans!
Mrs Birkin came to watch our Maths lesson on Thursday and she was very impressed with the children's behaviour and fraction work! They have been finding fractions of numbers.
Every Friday the children have been learning a dance all about growth, next week they are going to finish their dance with the final moves. I will record and upload to our class page next week!
WC 13th March
What a week we had in school last week! Thankfully we are now all back to normal and all the children are fit and healthy ready to learn in school. Thank-you for your cooperation during this time.
This week the children have been working really hard gathering all their ideas and writing their own poem. We have been doing lots of work on traditional rhymes over the past few weeks, the children have now written their own version of 'Mary Mary quite contrary'. Well done boys and girls they were excellent!
In Maths we have been looking at division and fractions. The children have been able to share out and divide amounts equally. I was very impressed with how much the children remembered about fractions, lots of them have had challenges throughout the week to further their knowledge.
The children have been enjoying the new garden centre in the classroom, they have been planting their own flowers and selling them to customers.
On Tuesday afternoon the sunshine was out so we went outside to play some games, we had lots of fun!!! Hopefully the sun will be out more often and we will be able to enjoy it more.
It has been Science week in school this week, the children have taken part in lots of fun activities! On Tuesday the children met a real life scientist and they were able to ask her questions all about her job. Our class has been chosen to take part in a very special scheme called Sow and Grow. As part of this, each child in the class grows their own plant (either a baby carrot, cress or runner beans). On Wednesday we all planted our own seeds and every day we will check that they have the right conditions to grow. The children will keep a growing diary over the next few weeks. The children will be bringing their plants home over the Easter holidays, so that they can continue to look after them.
WC 20th February
Welcome back after the half term! The children have had a super first week back and they have been working really hard.
We have been carrying on with the story 'Lost and Found', we have produced a class story map and we have started to make actions to help us to remember the story. The children will be thinking about their own version of this story next week.
In Maths the children have been focusing on subtraction. They have subtracted using counters, drawings and number lines.
The children have got an extra special treat this half term! Every Monday they will be doing Kadoo Tag Rugby again and every Friday afternoon they will be doing Dance with Chorley Sport Partnership! They are very lucky!
WC 6th February
The last week before half term and all the children have been working really hard. We received a suitcase full of strange items on Tuesday morning. There was an umbrella, a hat, some gloves, a passport, some penguin pictures, a map of the world, some chocolate, a camera and penguin information. The children made predictions as to where they thought the suitcase might have come from, why it had been left and what each of the items could be for. On Wednesday we began reading our new book 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The children acted out different parts of the book, predicting what the characters might say and do next.
In Maths, the children have been doing some brilliant addition using base 10 equipment. They have been adding 1 digit and 2 digit numbers together. Well done we have some Maths superstars!
The children have been using the laptops again this week and they have been researching all about pigs this time. They found out some really interesting facts! Did you know that pigs are actually smarter than some dogs?
I am so proud of the children's learning logs this week all about money! All the children have tried really hard! It was so difficult to choose a winner.
Well done Swallow Class, another brilliant half term! Have a well deserved rest ready to come back on the 21st of February.
WC 30th January
This week in Maths the children have been learning all about money. They have added coins together and created totals using coins. The children have been applying their known knowledge to solve problems and demonstrated brilliant reasoning. Some children have been able to explain how they know what the number sequence is.
In English the children have written their own non-chronological reports all about penguins, which are fantastic! We have made our own class book full of the reports for us all to read.
The children have been improving their gymnastic routines by adding in new movements and balancing positions.
On Friday we all came into school in our PJ's to raise money for the MS charity! It was such a comfy day!! Well done to all the children that took part in the sponsored run!
WC 23rd January
This week the children have been working really hard researching information about penguins, ready to write their own non-chronological report. They have each created their own glossary full of useful words related to our topic. Next week the children will plan and write their own non-chronological report all about penguins. I will upload some when they are finished.
In Maths we investigated weight and how to make the scales balanced. Later on in the week we started to look at identifying coins and their value. Next week we will begin to add coins together and make different totals.
The children have created some fantastic penguins in Art and I have put them all around our Snow Cave. They look fabulous! Well done children.
WC 16th January 2017
What a busy week we have had in school. We have done lots of exciting things, from our assembly to creating penguins.
In English, the children have been researching all about penguins, using information texts and videos. The children also got the opportunity to do some drama, we 'hot-seated' zookeepers asking them lots of questions all about penguins.
In Maths, we have been focusing on sequencing the days of the week, events of the day and telling the time. The children have worked really hard and can now tell the time (o'clock, half past and some children can even tell the time to quarter past!). I wonder if they can tell you the time at home?
On Monday, the children experimented with paints by mixing them and creating different colours. They then painted a tree for possums and an ice-berg.
We have been learning all about the different types of penguins in Topic and the children got to choose their favourite.
Well done Swallow Class for another fantastic, hard-working week!
WC 28th November
This week the children have been learning all about instructions. They followed Miss Staziker's instructions to draw a silly face and then they took it in turns to give and follow verbal instructions in a group. The children have also learnt about the key features of instructions and were able to identify them in a set of instructions.
Constable Capital, PC Full stop, and Detective Finger space came to visit us in our English lesson this week. They were checking that we were remembering to use the correct punctuation in our sentences. Some of us ended up with a fine....uh-oh!
WC 3rd October
This week we have been practicing our tricky words. Mrs Adams' took us outside and we had to shoot the tricky word with our water pistols. The children really enjoyed this activity! We also had a big shock when we came into School on Monday, I wonder if you can guess what it was?
W/C 26th September - What have we been up to?
The children have been working really hard this week.
In Maths we have been learning how to count in two's, the children are getting really good at it and have been practicing in the different areas! We have also been focusing on measurement, the children have been able to work out which objects were the longest and which were the shortest.
In English the children have been practicing using capital letters and full stops and they have retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk using full sentences.
Our magic beans are growing...quickly!
Each day the children ask to check on the magic beans and each day we are so surprised at how much they have grown!
Another letter! (14th September)
Swallow Class received another letter...this time it was all ripped and full of mud! Miss Staziker read it to us and the children think that it is from the same person as yesterday. 'J' has asked us to plant the special beans he gave us to look after because if we don't something terrible could happen! Uh-oh... we don't want that to happen.
The children decided that they must plant the beans as soon as possible and have promised that they will keep a careful eye on them, checking them each day.
Special Delivery! (13th September)
Something really exciting happened in Swallow Class today. Miss Taylor rushed into class with a special envelope addressed to us! Inside there was a letter and some magic beans, Miss Staziker read the letter to us. Someone was asking for our help and we had to decide on a secret place to keep the magic beans. Once we had hidden the magic beans we had a discussion thinking about who might have sent the letter and why had they sent it to us.
Swallow Class are keeping a close eye on the magic beans and are on the look out for anything strange happening in school