Oh yes, it's that time of year again and the boys and girls from Kingfishers have already done themselves proud by making those 'special' cards and calendars for their favourite folks at home.
As you can see these calendars show off the children's natural artistic flare. They have created independent masterpieces with colour, care and creativity.
Just a quick reminder that homework is set to give children even more strings to their bows. They not only learn about the subject they are finding out about but are also learning research skills, editing skills and how to write in a variety of genres. This is why it's so important to continue encouraging your child to keep producing their brilliant, independent work from home.
The children will continue to take home eight to ten spellings per week from the Year 3 and 4 high frequency spelling list. These are words which children in this age group should be reading, writing and spelling accurately.
Also each week the children will bring home one specific times table to commit to their memory. By the end of their time in this class the children should know ALL of their times tables and know the equivalent division facts relating to them.
For example:
12 times 2 equals 24,
but also, 24 divided by 2 equals 12,
as 24 divided by 12 equals 2...
Giving you this information is important and in no way am I trying to "teach granny to suck eggs!" My aim is to be as clear as possible and nothing more.
Happy New Year
Mr Woodward.