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Look what we've been learning!

In Science, Owl Class enjoyed taking part in an egg experiment. Owl Class tested a range of different materials to find out which would be the best material for an egg box.

Owl Class enjoyed their stay and eat lunch with their parents!

Owl Class celebrated Odd Sock Day 2024 by wearing odd socks to represent that we are all different but that we are all unique.

In our dance lessons with Lou, we have created a dance about our local area, Adlington. Owl Class have all taken on different character roles of people they may meet in Adlington e.g. police officers, vets, teachers, train drivers etc.

In Geography, we have been exploring which continent we live on, where the United Kingdom is on a world map, which country we live in and where our local area is on a map of England.

In Science, Year 1 children enjoyed taking part in an absorbent experiment to test which would be the best bedding for a puppy.

In Science, we sorted objects by a criteria using sorting hoops. Some children sorted the objects by their material e.g. plastic and not plastic and other children sorted the objects by a property e.g. materials that are opaque and materials that are transparent.

In Science, we found out that everyday objects can be made out of different materials. We talked about the similarities and differences between the different materials used for each everyday item.

In Science, Owl Class went on a materials hunt around the classroom. Here are some of the everyday materials that they found.

Owl Class enjoyed dressing up as Scientists. They are very excited to take part in lots of scientific experiments this year.

Science - using glitter to act as ‘germs’ we looked at how important good hygiene is

Learning about volume and capacity in maths

Lots of fun in PE

  • Adlington Primary School,
  • Park Road,
  • Adlington,
  • Chorley,
  • Lancashire
  • PR7 4JA
  • 01257 480557 For all enquiries, please contact: Mrs B Aldred School Business Support Officer