Classroom Routines
Guided Reading:
Children are encouraged to change their ‘extra reader’ on a regular basis, it is their responsibility to do so.
Children must bring their reading record to School every Monday so we are able to reward them for their hard work. Please ensure that you have signed your child’s reading record so that we are able to see when they have read. Remember the whole school target is 5 reads each week.
Children complete a guided reading class every day in School, focusing on different aspects such as, vocabulary, retrieval of questions, predictions, summarising, comparing and inferences.
Bug Club is used within school, all children will access this at least once a week. Please continue to use this as much as possible at home too.
Home learning will be sent each Friday and should be returned the following Thursday. This includes spellings, daily reading and times tables/mental maths practise..
Children will be working with CCSP and other sports companies throughout the year for PE.
Earrings need to be removed and long hair must be tied up.
All clothing/equipment needs to be named, including water bottles.
Please use Class Dojo, along with our class webpage, for information and reminders. It is lovely to share your child’s successes on Class Dojo too!
Follow us on Twitter @adlingtonps for updates.