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What's been happening in class?

WC 11th June - This week the children have been busy showing off their phonic skills, and what a good job they did! We are very proud of each and every child in swallow class, well done. As well as this they, have been working hard on their handwriting and have begun joining letters to create words, wow! In Maths the children have been solving multiplication problems by using ‘lots of’ and ‘groups of’. On Friday after our grammar session outside we came into lots of strange objects on the tables. The children tried to guess where they had come from and what they could make. After lots of discussion Miss Staziker was able to assemble the parts and it created a robot! We are looking after the robot in our classroom and maybe it might come to life some time soon....

WC 4th June - This week in class the children have been busy learning all about shapes. We recapped 2D shapes and moved onto 3D shapes. They have been able to sort shapes using the sorting circles. We have continued with our traditional rhymes in English and the children have produced their own rhyme in the style of 'Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary'. We had our 'Great Outdoors' afternoon on Wednesday and the children had so much fun! Please look on the subpage for photographs. 

WC 21st May

This week in Swallow class we have been having fun learning playground chants and traditional rhymes. The children will write their own traditional rhyme after the half term. In maths we have been looking at 2D shapes, we have also learnt what a straight and a curved line is. The children were able to sort 2D shapes using the sorting circles.

The children have learnt all about map symbols and why they are used. They then designed their own map symbol.

WC 14th May 

This week the children have been enjoying learning outside. We hope that the nice weather is here to stay. The children finished writing their own versions of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’, they are fantastic stories! In Maths we have been focusing on telling the time and position and direction. The children can now confidently tell the time to half past and o’clock, some even quarter past! In the afternoons the children have created their own lighthouse and waterproof basket. The display in our classroom looks brilliant. On Friday the children enjoyed taking part in lots of fun Royal Wedding activities from pin the crown on the princess to a royal wedding party in the sunshine. Remember to check class dojo for photographs of our learning throughout the week. 

WC 30th April and 7th May

We have had a busy couple of weeks in school, from fun with fractions to writing the beginning of our own stories. The children have been working very hard! In English the children have planned and begun writing their own version of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, changing the characters and pesky animals that steal the lunch. In Maths last week the children did lots of work on bar charts and we were able to create whole class charts outside on the playground. This week we have been focusing on fractions and now know how to find 1/2 or 1/4 of shapes that are split into lots of sections. Some of the fraction work was very tricky but the children worked super hard! 

In the afternoons the children have continued with their ICT work, creating their own simple story on Purple Mash and we have also been looking at maps in geography. The boys and girls created their own 'messy map' of where they live and the surrounding area. 

WC 23rd April

This week the children have been busy learning all about addition and subtraction using number lines. They have been solving missing number problems, some were really tricky but they persevered. We have continued reading 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and we have added more talk for writing actions to help us remember the story. The children received a postcard from Mrs Grinling on Tuesday asking for some help, she needed ideas to scare the pesky seagulls away! In Science the children have been busy carrying out investigations to help them design their 'seagull proof'basket. We tested different materials to find out whether they were waterproof and whether they were strong enough to hold Mr Grinling's lunch. We have also been continuing with our letter-join handwriting, the children are trying really hard to apply this in their writing. 

WC 16th April

Another busy week in school this week. We have continued reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and we have made up actions to help us orally retell the story. We described Mr and Mrs Grinling using great adjectives and used our inference skills to help us think what kind of character they are to describe their personalities. We thought that Mr Grinling is very industrious and that Mrs Grinling is very helpful. The children are very excited to find out what happens at the end of the story! 

We had a special letter arrive in our classroom from Mrs Grinling asking us to help her create Mr Grinling's drinks for his lunch, as she is very busy. We had to carefully read the instructions and measure the different juices using our knowledge of ml and litres.

We spent a couple of afternoons in the sun, on Tuesday we described different objects to our partners using words such as smooth, hard, rough etc. and they had to guess our object without looking. We then sorted objects using the sorting rings. On Wednesday we drew lighthouses and painted a big cottage for our new display in our classroom! We hope that the sun is here to stay so that we can do lots more learning outside. 

WC 9th April

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Easter break! Since returning to school the children have been working really hard. We are now working much more independently and only usually accessing the continuous provision after we have completed our independent learning tasks. 

In Maths we have been focusing on place value and writing numbers as words. The children used lots of different resources to write numbers as words, this is something that they could practice at home. We have also been playing the loop game and the children have really enjoyed it! 

On Tuesday we had a very mysterious basket and bag appear in our classroom! The children made predictions and were able to write their own questions to try and find out where they have come from, and who they belong to. Then on Thursday Mrs Adams found a cat in our role play area! We started to read our new story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch', and it turns out Mr Grinling and the cat are in our story for this half term....very strange!!

In science we have started work on materials and we went on a hunt outside to try and find objects that Miss Staziker had hidden, some of them were tricky to find as they were camouflaged into the surroundings. On Wednesday we then started to think about what objects are made out of and the properties of these materials. We had lots of fun trying to guess what was inside the feely bags!

WC 12th March

This week in school it has been science week, the children have taken part in lots of exciting experiments and investigations. We were very lucky to have Mrs Williams (Henry's mummy) join us on Thursday morning. Mrs Williams taught us all about separation and the methods you can use to separate different materials. On Thursday afternoon we carried out an investigation about fruits and their seeds, the children got to taste some of the yummy fruits! 

In Maths the children have learnt how to use 'part, part, whole' diagrams to help them find different ways to make amounts. 

In English we have started work on instructions, the children have learnt why it is so important to follow instructions carefully and all of the key features included. 

Well done boys and girls, a hardworking (but fun!) week in school. 

WC 26th February

This week in class the children have started to write their own version of Lost and Found, they are brilliant. The children have used their plans and remembered our non-negotiables when writing.

In Maths the children have been learning all about positional language, they gave instructions to their partners for how to get around an obstacle. They learnt all about positional language such as; above, under, left, right etc. and were able to use this when giving instructions.

The children have been thinking about parts of a plant and whether a tree is a plant, they went outside to see if they could find the different types of trees.

On Thursday it was world book day and what a lovely day we had. All the children looked fantastic! They spent time with Kingfishers sharing stories and created their own character selfies and descriptions.

WC 19th February 

The boys and girls in Swallow class have had a very exciting first week back in school after half term. On Tuesday we went on our school trip to Bring Yer Wellies and had a fantastic time (look on the sub-page for our photographs!)

The children have been learning all about division and sharing in maths and we have been orally retelling the story of Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers to help us remember it. The children have planned their own version changing some of the ideas ready to write their own next week. 

WC 5th Feb

Another busy week in school, the children have been learning all about different types of animals in science. They have learnt what mammals and amphibians are and some of their common features. In English, we have continued reading the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. The children gave the little boy some advice by writing him a text advising him on how to get the penguin home. In Maths we have been learning all about multiplication, using repeated addition to help solve the questions. 

Well done boys and girls on another brilliant half term! 

Enjoy the break and we will see you back in school on Monday 19th February. 

WC 29th January 

It has been modern foreign languages in school this week, please see 'MFL Week' tab to find out what we have been up to.

Along with MFL week the children have been very busy learning in Maths all about money, they have been able to recognise coins and notes and have started to add 2 or more coins together. We had a little bit of a surprise on Tuesday morning when we arrived into class after break time, we found footprints all over our classroom and then we found a suitcase full of mysterious things at our door! The children made some predictions and we are trying to solve the mystery! We began reading 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, we felt very sorry for the lost, little penguin. The children got in role of the penguin and thought about what he might say and how he might be feeling. 

WC 22nd January

This week some of the children have had their first computing lesson using the laptops. They learnt how to log onto the laptops, load Purple Mash and log onto it using their own personal details. We talked about the importance of passwords and why you should keep them secure. Those children that didn't get a turn this week will get chance next week. 

I will send home your child's Purple Mash details in their learning log this week so that they can access it at home, there are lots of lovely learning tools on there for you to use together.

The children have started writing their non-chronological reports all about penguins this week, they watched videos and took notes first of all and then planned their report remembering all the key features. We can't wait to share them with you on our trip to the library on Monday 5th February! (We will send more information home soon!)

In Maths, the children have been finding the missing number in the sequences. They counted in ones, twos, fives and even tens! Please could you help your child with these at home, especially knowing which ten comes next. For example... 18, 19, 20 (is the next ten)      28, 29, 30 (is the next ten) 



WC 15th January 

What an exciting week we have had in school! We have been learning lots of new things in Phonics, Mrs Adams' group have been learning new phase 5 sounds and Miss Staziker's group have been focusing on alternative spellings for sounds we already know. 

The children have been learning all about weight and mass in Maths, they have been estimating and weighing different objects using balancing scales. They used non-standard units to start with and then moved on to measuring using grams. 

We had a walk up to Adlington library to help us with our English topic. We arrived just in time for story time which the children really enjoyed! We joined the library and brought back stories and non-fiction texts all about penguins. We are going to use these texts to help us to write some of our own penguin information texts! 

WC 8th January 


Happy New Year! We hope that you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed some quality family time. The children have settled back into school and have made a brilliant start to the year. What a busy first week we have had in school, on Wednesday Mrs Adams found a letter in our classroom and when we opened it there was a clue. We followed the clues all around the school and found a penguin!!! We discussed where we thought the penguin was from, how it got to our school and why it might have come. The children discussed in groups what they already know about penguins and created questions for what they want to find out. We will be researching and writing our own non-chronological reports all about penguins in the next few weeks. In Maths we have been focusing on place value and looking at one more/one less, ten more/ten less. Some of us even managed to apply this knowledge to word problems! We have also been focusing on careful counting and knowing which ten comes next. The children have been enjoying our new areas and playing phonic board games together.

WC 11th December

This week the children have taken part in our Christmas production of 'Lights, Camel, Action!'. The children have worked so hard preparing for this and were brilliant during the performances. A huge well done to every single member of Swallow class! The children were reminded throughout the play what happened at Christmas and this links to our learning in RE of the Christmas story. 

In Maths we have been learning all about the properties of 2D shapes, we went on a shape hunt to try and find shapes in real life. 

In English we have begun researching and reading all about The Great Fire of London. We have looked at information texts and highlighted key information for when we write our own non-fiction text. 

In phonics we have been learning alternative pronunciations with Miss Staziker and lots of games such as the Golden river. With Mrs Adams the children have started learning some new sounds and have been focusing on careful blending. 

We have been very busy creating this week, we have made a start to our calendars and we have each made a bauble for our Christmas trees at home. 

WC 4th December

We have been super busy this week rehearsing our Christmas play. The children have worked really hard learning their dances, songs and words (for those that have them!) I'm sure it will be a performance not to be missed!

We have been playing what's in the box in Phonics, the children really enjoyed this. Our focus this week has been alternative pronunciations. 

In English we have written our own fire poems. The children used their plans and were able to write some fantastic poems, remembering all the features that we have learnt. We have been investigating 2D shapes in Maths.

On Wednesday afternoon we had a craft afternoon. The children worked with their parents to create Tudor style houses like the ones in 1666, used pastels to draw firework pictures and created lollipop puppets for each person in the nativity story. It was a fun afternoon, thank-you to all those parents that were able to make it. We hope you enjoyed it too!

WC 20th November


Wow! What a FANTASTIC week the children have had this week. I have given everyone in Swallows 'Star of the Week' and 'Learning Log' award, they have worked so hard! Everyone was so impressed with our assembly on Thursday, the children worked very hard learning their lines and rehearsing the role play. I think their hard work definitely paid off, an amazing assembly! We have been learning about how to half an object in Maths this week and in English the children have been doing lots of work on verbs. They planned their own firework poem, ready to use in a couple of weeks to help them write their own poem. 


Well done Swallows, you have made Mrs Adams and I very proud this week. You are all brilliant! 

WC 6th November

We hope that you had a lovely half term! The children came back to school refreshed and ready to learn. We have started our new topic for this half term which is 'Fire! Fire!', we will be writing our own fire related poems and learning all about 'The Great Fire of London'. This week we have been listening to, appreciating and learning the poem 'Crackle! Spit!' by Marie Thom. We made up some actions to help us remember the words and the children rehearsed the poem in small groups. We will be performing this poem during our assembly on Thursday 23rd November at 2.30pm. In Maths we have been creating repeating patterns and the children were able to find the mistakes in patterns too. 

The children have begun learning about what London is like now and comparing it to what it was like in the past. We watched videos, looked at pictures and photographs and maps. The children created their own London landmark using craft materials. 

WC 23rd October

Wow, what a super busy week we have had! The children have enjoyed all our areas this week, especially our jelly spooky area! The children enjoyed subtracting eyeballs and spiders. In English the children have written their own version of Jack and the Beanstalk, I have been SO impressed with their writing! Fantastic efforts from everybody. In the afternoons we have been doing halloween crafts, we have developed our fine motor, art and DT skills. We also looked at the four countries of the UK and drew our own maps on the playground. Well done Swallow class.

ALL the children looked fantastic in their outfits on Friday, I couldn't recognise some of them!


Have a lovely half-term, stay safe and enjoy Halloween and Bonfire Night. See you on Tuesday 7th November.

Miss Staziker

WC 16th October

This week the children have been very busy writing their own versions of the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk', they have worked so hard. I have been very impressed with their ability to remember everything that we have been learning about in English over the half term and use it in their stories. They have used correct capital letters, full stops, the conjunction 'and', finger spaces and some children have even added in description! We will be finishing our stories off next week so I will upload some of them then. Well done boys and girls. 

In Maths we have been learning all about addition of one and two digit numbers. We have used counters and drawings to help us. Some children could add numbers up to and beyond 20!

On Monday afternoon we had a very exciting trip to St Paul's Church, please visit 'Our Trip to Church' page to find out all about it. 

Fantastic effort from all children this week, well done! 

WC 9th October 

This week the children have been learning all about length. First they measured objects using non-standard units, this was fun! The children then learnt how to use a ruler and were able to measure beanstalks using cm. In English we discussed things that you could change in 'Jack and the Beanstalk', the children then planned their own version changing a few things. Some chose to have the biggest sweet shop in the world at the top of the beanstalk, wouldn't that be good! The children added colour to their self portraits from last week, they are super! Another busy week, well done. 

What a busy first few weeks we have had in Swallow Class! The children have settled in really well. 

We have been having lots of fun accessing the different areas.

In Maths we have been focusing on place value and the number system. We are now focusing on measurement, the children have been measuring length using non-standard and standard units. 

In English we have been looking at 'Jack and the Beanstalk', we received some special letters in our register but ssshhh! it's top secret! We are keeping a special eye on our beanstalk. The children have begun to change ideas in 'Jack and the Beanstalk' to create their own version.

During the afternoons we have learnt all about the capital cities of the UK, drawn self portraits using different media and drawn our own family trees. In RE the children have been learning all about baptism and we are very lucky to be having a trip to the Church soon! 

Well done Swallows, a super first few weeks working hard! 


  • Adlington Primary School,
  • Park Road,
  • Adlington,
  • Chorley,
  • Lancashire
  • PR7 4JA
  • 01257 480557 For all enquiries, please contact: Mrs B Aldred School Business Support Officer